YWT2024 - YARC Fest (HOBART)
Young People
Save the date for an exciting Youth Week event coming in April
YARC Fest – April 13th
1pm - 5pm - YARC Market (free event, all ages)
- Young makers market showcasing jewellery, clothing, accessories, ceramics, original artwork and more.
- EDGE radio live broadcast
- Live art mural
- Creative workshops & activities
6pm - 10pm - YARC Live ($15, ages 12-25, alcohol-free)
Live music performed by Hobarts finest young talent:
- Cyberswitch
- Grace Chia
- Deli
- Legal Noise
- Nina Benzon
- Off-Put
Youth Arts and Recreation Centre 1 Market place Hobart, TAS
Tickets available from youthartsandrec.org
Event Dates
Youth Arts and Recreation Centre Hobart
1 Market Place
7000 TAS