TYF Health and Wellbeing Statewide Forum

The Tasmanian Youth Forum (TYF) is hosting a Forum for all young Tasmanians aged 12 to 25 on Health and Wellbeing. Everyone is welcome to come along!

You can share your ideas about how your health and wellbeing can be supported, learn from other people across Tasmania and discover new ideas about looking after your own health and well being and this event.

You will also have the chance to learn more about health and wellbeing issues and support services available. We will have engaging activities, information, giveaways and youth workers you can talk to.

We want to know what your thoughts and ideas are so you don't have to know specific information about the topic.

The discussions and ideas from the Forum will be passed on to key decision makers and help contribute to YNOT's work. 

The event is free but you need to register so we know you are coming.

You can register online at https://tyfwellbeing.eventbrite.com.au or email Tegan for a form tyf@ynot.org.au

Our registration page has some frequently asked questions, but contact Tegan on 6223 5511 if you need more information.

Event Dates

Launceston Conference Centre
7250 TAS

TYF 2019 - Group pic